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14:23, 22nd February 2025

LX-Viewer is avalible from the Sourceforge download page for this project

Remember that you will also need to download the OpenDWG libaries to use with this program (if you are compiling it from source), which are used by the core of the program to manipulate DWG and DXF files, but which we are not permitted to bundle with the source code. Note that if you are downloading the RPM or the Windows version, you don't need the libraries. Also review the dependanicies for compiling from source

The current stable version is 1.0.2 and the next experimental version will be 1.1. Please read the comments on the mailing lists and forums before using the experimental versions. As ever we welcome any feedback on the stable or experimental versions of Lx-Viewer. If there's a feature missing that you'd like to see added, submit it and we'll prioritise it and discuss it.

RPMs are sometimes available but may be behind the release version of the source code. Source for all platforms is available, and a setup.exe for Windows NT/2000/XP is complete. nb If you want to compile from source for windows then you may have to dive into the SourceForge CVS and retrieve some extra files. Also note that it currently doesn't run on Windows 95/98/ME although we are working on the problem.

Page last modified: 1 January 1970 00:00