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01:41, 12th March 2025

Related Links

These are all interesting CAD related sites. A brief explanation is also given.

Cad Tastrafy: is a site which summarizes CAD and graphics programs for the Linux platform with screen shots of most. Also included are links to each and it's generally very thorough.

Linux Cad Mailing List: This site is the front door to a mailing list used to discuss all Linux CAD issues. Please come and join in the discussion.

LinuxLinks.com is a listing of all the software applications available for Linux and has an extensive CAD section.

Geometry Resources: Is a link to a fantastic site for practical geometry solutions to many problems - including rendering and display of 3D computer models. There are also C and C++ routines provided to illustrate concepts.

The OpenDWG Alliance The OpenDWG® Alliance is an association of CAD customers and vendors committed to promoting Autodesk's AutoCAD DWG drawing file format as an open, industry-standard format for the exchange of CAD drawings. "Open" does not mean "free", if you want to distribute a program commercially based on the OpenDWG libraries, you have to pay.

FreeGIS Mailing List and Website provides software overview on free Geographic Information Systems, they don't like us much because we link to the OpenDWG libraries.

Autodesk Autodesk produce the DWG format and of course, AutoCAD. Apparently they have a Linux policy, but they haven't told us what it is.

These are all CAD projects for Linux that are completly different to each other.

Qcad QCad is a free open-source 2D CAD system for Linux, various Unices and Windows. They have an old link to us on their site which they ignore all requests to update. I email them every few months to ask but no luck yet.

ThanCad ThanCad is a GPL 2dimensional cad program, with raster inclusion capability and emphasis in engineering.

Powercad PowerCAD is a project to develop a fully functional 3D-CAD application for Linux/BSD.

EMC EMC is CNC software that takes Gcode and carves metal blocks into nuclear bomb parts or small carvings of Tux depending on your inclinations.

PythonCAD(from website) PythonCAD is written entirely in Python. The goal of this project is to create a fully scriptable drafting program that will match and eventually exceed features found in commercial CAD software. PythonCAD is released under the GPL.

gCAD3D 3D - CADCAM - software for Linux

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