Lx-Viewer logo
01:45, 12th March 2025

Current Versions Available

The current stable version is 1.0.2 and the next experimental version will be 1.1

There are typically two versions of the program available. The even numbered ones are "stable" and include the OpenDWG libraries. The odd numbered versions are typically labeled "experimental" and usually have a single letter after the version number. These versions include code that is not completely tested but are released for review and comment from existing users willing to test new features. For instance the 0.97x series have HPGL output enabled, but this feature is not tested for the simple reason that I don't own a serial pen plotter. Experimental versions now include the OpenDWG libraries in addition to the source code

Qt3 based systems - Lx-Viewer 1.0.2

fake box cover for 0.98 version The latest version of Lx-Viewer advances on the Qt2 version with the following features:

It's hoped 1.1 will add to this with

Qt2 based systems - Lx-Viewer 0.96

fake box cover for 0.96 version The last Qt2 version for older systems has the following abilities:

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