Main Features
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Currently lx-viewer can perform the following command line actions using a separate command line utility:
- Batch convert DWG to DXF (seperate command line utility)
- Batch convert DXF to DWG
Extra options can be added as file support in the program is increased:
- Batch convert to other formats
- Incorporate the command line utility into the main program
Now complete
- GUI command replication in command interface (aka AutoCAD)
- Internal command line aliasing
- External command line command replication (eg batch conversion etc)
The majority of viewing options are already implemented in Lx-viewer.
Lx-Viewer was originally for viewing AutoCAD files under Linux. This could be extended sometime to include other platforms.
- Support for Linux QT3 systems (Version 0.98 onwards)
- Support for Linux QT2 systems (Version 0.96 of Lx-Viewer only)
- Support for Windows 2000 and XP
- Windows 95, 98 and ME support is being developed but there are currently issues.
- Packaged binaries
- RedHat 6.2, 7.0-7.3
- Mandrake 7.0-7.2, 8.0-8.2
- Debian
- Caldera
User help in various forms
- Online html user manual
- Man pages
- Command line help
- Misc. standard files
- Changelog
- Developer documentation
- Program status overview
- Testing guidelines
- Program Structure and internal design
- Requirements Specification
- Functional Design Specification
- One of thoose really scary command path flow diagrams
Currently English is the only fully supported language, although the main program has just been altered to prepare for multilanguage support. The inline documentation has also been separated in preparation for translation. We currently have translators working on all the languages listed below.
- English
- Program Text Andrew Bibb
- Online Documentation Guy Edwards
- French
- Program Text
- Online Documentation Jacques Mony
- Portugese
- Program Text Nuno Sucena Almeida
- Online Documentation Nuno Sucena Almeida
- Spanish
- Program Text Luis Melgratti
- Online Documentation Luis Melgratti
- German
- Program Text
- Online Documentation Jurgen Pohl
- Italian
- Program Text
- Online Documentation Serena Ciriello
- Indonesian
- Program Text
- Online Documentation Gan Hong Cien
- Other
- Russian
- Japanese
- Slovakian
- Chinese
- Dutch
- Estonian
- Finish
- Greek